American History II - Mr. Hillygus


This school year is going to be an amazing journey as we travel back in time to learn about the recent history of our nation (post-Civil War) and what it can teach us to be successful, responsible citizens today and in the future! This website was created for students and parents to access class information about the history curriculum, find additional learning resources, and discover just how interesting and exciting exploring history can be. Please check this website weekly for additional content, and please email me  if you have any questions about assignments or any other concerns.  ~ Mr. Hillygus


Course Description and Expectations

Welcome to American History II.  This course offers a comprehensive overview of the history of the United States from the post-Civil War era to the present and promotes avenues for consideration of effective civic engagement.  We will focus on content knowledge, writing, time management, inter-personal communication skills and critical thinking.  Class participation is expected.

Textbooks and Materials

American Horizons - Volume II

Supplemental Materials as provided

Students should have the following with them every day of class:

- Blue or black in pens

- Pencils

- Notebook for taking notes in class

- Any assignments due on that day

- Any assigned materials for that day

Links of Interest